That brand became a business that could embody the component of this relationship through fashion and the interactions that come along with it. With the tagline, "You Never Know Where The Wild Goose Goes." I curiously curate clothing from the public and wholesale stores throughout the U.S. My mission is to connect with others through clothing. Because "You Never Know Where The Wild Goose Goes!" But as my Bumpa completes this phrase with another - he declares, "But, the Wild Goose Does!" Let us all declare our purpose and path – and do it with style!
Welcome to the Wild Goose Exchange!
"You Never Know Where The Wild Goose Goes"…
A saying such as this can evoke a variety of feelings, thoughts and wonder. It should. For me the meaning evokes commitment and connection; and the man that birthed this phrase was the main male influencer in my life. I realized the value of ONE relationship - my Bumpa (a.k.a. Grandfather) as he quietly, consistently, and with a gentle heart and free of judgement - was present. Whether it was a car ride to Toys R Us, early morning breakfast, or silly banter - we built a connection. He taught me kindness and compassion, laughter and redemption. This relationship was like a watermark in my life. And the laughter that came from the silly banter between us - created a brand.